Thursday, December 09, 2004

Short biography

Pipukus is the nickname used by the poet Frederico das Neves for publishing poetry in electronic form. He was born in 1974 at Setúbal - Portugal and currently lives in Lisbon.

Some poetry publications are:

- "a carne na humidade da tua memória" (December of 2002) in the Brazilian poetry magazine "Fonto" (translated in Esperanto). Other poems published in the remaining editions of 2003;

- "I loved you still" (February of 2003), in English language. Published in the collective international poetry book Patterns of Life, edited in U.S.A.;

- "na margem húmida da madrugada" (March of 2003) in the magazine Os Fazedores de Letras , no. 50, Literary College of the Lisbon University;

- "a tua pele de orvalho doce", "a inflamação das uvas herméticas", "lábios laminares" and "a circunferência do perfume" in the anthology of contemporary Portuguese poets Poiesis (April of 2003), published by editor Minerva - DNA;

- Participation in the construction of the Portuguese collective poem "O Fulgor da Lí­ngua" (, June of 2003;

- "Nada" e "Neve II" in the magazine Di Versos, edition nº 7, December of 2003;

Has published poetry in the on-line poetry magazine Elefante Editora, and in the site Fragmentos. Regularly updates his poetry blog Blood of the White Words (

He also has three unpublished books "O Pranto do Grito" (November of 1998), "As Lâminas de Querubim" (November of 2002) and "As Crianças de Clorofila" (February of 2004).

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